Lorenzo Terraneo

Lorenzo Terraneo

Lorenzo Terraneo, from Milan (Italy) class 67, works in the world of communication and web marketing and is a journalist enrolled in the Register. In 2010, he joined the strong passion for the sea and diving with the one for photography that always accompanied him since his first analog Nikon SLR.

Passionate about marine and terrestrial biology, he is always looking in his photos to recreate the magical meeting between the wonders of nature and human emotions aroused by unusual shapes and colors. Therefore, not naturalistic photos in the strict sense, but moments of artistic beauty (nature art) according to the human canon, which nature expresses incessantly.

Over the past five years he has pursued a personal project addressing the dramatic and urgent issues concerning our oceans and seas (overfishing, pollution, microplastics, by-catch, etc...). By participating in photo exhibits, competitions, and conferences, he has been working towards raising awareness through pictures that are "aesthetically pleasing" but at the same time carriers of an important conservation message.

He prefers his own sea, the marvelous Mediterranean Sea, as a set. Passing on Saturday in Noli (SV), you can easily find him in the water with his Nikon gear in an Ikelite housing, with macro or fish eye lenses, two flashes, bulked up with additional macro lenses, lamps, and snoots.

Copyright Lorenzo Terraneo


Awards + Achievements

  • 1st place Macro, Festival Underwater North Atlantic 2013 – Skafandrus
  • 1st place Macro b/w, SILENTLY 2013 – Beograd, Serbia
  • 1st place Wide color, SILENTLY 2013 – Beograd, Serbia
  • 3rd place Macro, SEA INTERNATIONAL PHOTO COMPETITION 2014, NCUPS, Alameda – California – U.S.A.
  • Honorable mention cat “Macro”, SEA INTERNATIONAL PHOTO COMPETITION 2014, NCUPS, Alameda – California – U.S.A.
  • Honorable Mention  cat. “Uomo e il mare”,  NEAPOLIS INTERNATIONAL CONTEST OF UNDERWATER PHOTOGRAPHY 2014, Napoli –  Italy
  • Special prize ARI Cristal for portfolio (six photos), SILENTLY 2 2014,  Beograd – Serbia
  • 3rd place cat Conservation, INTERNATIONAL UNDERWATER PHOTO CONTEST 2015 – CITTA’ DI TRIESTE, Trieste – Italy
  • 1st place cat Wide black&white, SILENTLY 3 2015 – Beograd, Serbia
  • 3rd Portfolio 6 photos, SILENTLY 3 2015 edition– Beograd, Serbia
  • Honorable Mention  cat. Biology,  NEAPOLIS INTERNATIONAL CONTEST OF UNDERWATER PHOTOGRAPHY 2015, Napoli –  Italy
  • 3rd Absolute,  OCEANS OF LIFE PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION 2015, Cape Town, South Africa
  • Honorable Mention, CONCORSO FOTOGRAFICO SUBACQUEO  “FURIO BENIGNI” 2015, Genova –  Italy
  • 3rd place cat DAN EUROPE, 10th UW INTERNATIONAL PHOTOCONTEST ORTONA 2015, Ortona, Italy
  • Mention cat Macro, 10th UW INTERNATIONAL PHOTOCONTEST ORTONA 2015, Ortona, Italy
  • Honorable mention, 45th ANNUAL NATIONAL WILDLIFE® PHOTO CONTEST 2015, U.S.A.
  • Honorable mention cat. PORTRAIT,  PICTURES OF THE YEAR 2015/2015, Ocean Geographics Society, Australia
  • Back cover National Wildlife Magazine, U.S.A. ( over 500,000 circulation)
  • Finalist, Golden Turtle 10 2015, Mosca, Russia
  • Finalist, Tipoty-TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR 2015, London, U.K.
  • 3rd place cat Thematich 5 photos, 16th MARMARA INTERNATIONAL UNDERWATER IMAGE COMPETION 2016. Marmara, Turkey
  • 2nd Portfolio 6 photos, SILENTLY  4 2016 edition– Beograd, Serbia
  • 4th place cat. Macro, 6th OCEAN ART PHOTO COMPETITION 2016, U.S.A.
  • 1st place cat ART,  SIAS UNDERWATER PHOTO CONTEST 2017, Italy
  • 2nd place cat. Macro, 4th WITHOUT BORDER Underwater Photography Competition 2017, Sarajevo
  • Opera segnalata, cat. Underwater, 13th OASIS INTERNATIONAL PHOTO CONTEST 2017, Italy
  • Awarded, cat. forme e composizione, XI ASFERICO INTERNATIONAL NATURE Photography Competition 2017, Italy
  • Honorable mention, cat. International Portfolio 10 photos, 17th INTERNATIONAL MARMARA COMPETITION 2017, Turkey
  • Finalist, Macro – Wide – UPY Underwater Photographer of the year 2017, London, U.K.
  • Selection, Fresh water, FESTISUB 2017, Image Sous-Marine de Neuchâtel, CH
  • Nomination, 1- Cat. Underwater world 2- Art and Nature image 3-The human and nature, GOLDEN TURTLE 2017, Mosca, Russia
  • Personal exibition in Pavia (Italy) -  THE WONDERS OF THE UNDERWATER WORLD”
  • 30 prints and multimedia show, duration a month.
  • Runner Up cat. OCEAN GEOGRAPHIC PHOTO JOURNALIST AWARD, 10 photos PICTURES OF THE YEAR 2017/2018, Ocean Geographics Society, Australia with a project of marine conservation, 10 shots
  • Menzione d’onore, cat.Storyboard, 14th OASIS INTERNATIONAL PHOTO CONTEST, Italy with a project of marine conservation
  • Honorable mention 11th Concorso FotoSub ABISSI “Città di Venezia 2018”, Venezia, Italy
  • 4th place cat. Behavior, 2018 OCEAN ART PHOTO COMPETITION , U.S.A.
  • 1st place portfolio 6 photos and Best of show, MACROMANIA EVENT 2018, Puerto Galera - Philippines
  • Finalist (5th place) , Underwater Photography Global Championship 2018, Team Italy 3, WORLD SHOOTOUT
  • Article of my work and interview in SUB MAGAZINE (Italian magazine)
  • Cover and my portfolio in Scubashooters  2018/05 issue
  • 4th place cat. living in the trash 12th Concorso FotoSub ABISSI “Città di Venezia 2019”, Venezia, Italy
  • Honorable mention cat. Nature Stories with the projects “The scream of the seas” about the problems of the ocean  INTERNATIONAL NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST 2019, Cadiz (SP), 7 photos
  • Honorable mention cat. Art of nature INTERNATIONAL NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST 2019, Cadiz (SP)
  • Finalist  49th ANNUAL NATIONAL WILDLIFE® PHOTO CONTEST 2019, U.S.A. (40 shots finalist for 20,000 entires - final result January 2020)
  • Personal exhibition in International fair of Milan (Italy) -  “THE WONDERS OF THE UNDERWATER WORLD BETWEEN BEAUTY AND URGENCY OF PROTECTION”
  • Personal stand with 15 prints
  • “Strange Creatures” – Calendar 2020 for Circolo Impatto Zero (PV – Italy) in 1,000 copies
  • The main Italian newspaper (Corriere della Sera) published my shot of “plastic sea”
  • Conference speaker on the problems of the sea
  • Articles of travels with photos for Scubashooters magazine 2017


Copyright Lorenzo Terraneo


Connect with Lorenzo

Website www.lorenzoterraneo.com

Facebook @lorenzoterraneo

Instagram @lorenzoterraneo

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