After getting their 12-year old son scuba certified, Kevin Drew Davis and his wife made every family vacation a dive trip. What initially began as a hobby, Kevin's underwater photography got more serious as his family's underwater photography Instagram page grew. Now, using a Nikon D850 in an Ikelite Underwater Housing and with over 15k Instagram followers, Kevin and his family make it their mission to share the beauty of the ocean.
When Kevin found out that less than 1 in 100 Americans are divers (even lower globally), he realized how few people had seen the beauty divers are lucky to experience. So, he tries to share his photos as far and wide as he can to encourage people to experience the ocean for themselves. Hoping that seeing and knowing the beauty of our oceans will grow our desire to protect them.

Fairyland: St Lucia. I’d been seeing these large schools of Creole Wrasse on several dives before, but they were always off in the distance. On this dive, thousands of them swam right through the middle of our group. © Kevin Drew Davis

Los Islotes: La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico. One of those moments you don’t know where to point the camera. An enormous school of sardines passing through and casting shadows with a sea lion lazily swimming through, while a group of yellowtail surgeonfish gathered in front of me. © Kevin Drew Davis

Tuffy Canyon: San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize. One of the many Caribbean Reef Sharks that came to check out our dive group. © Kevin Drew Davis

Los Islotes: La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico. The Sea Lion bulls will mark their territory by blowing bubbles out of their nose to make a “wall” they don’t want you to cross. He seemed to appear out of nowhere and this is the last shot I captured as I turned away. You can see him beginning the bubbles. © Kevin Drew Davis

Hol Chan Marine Reserve: Ambergris Caye, Belize. One of the biggest Eagle Rays I’ve personally seen gracefully swimming into a strong current us divers were working against. © Kevin Drew Davis

Tuffy Canyon: San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize. A very large Caribbean Reef Shark cruising through our group. © Kevin Drew Davis

Devil’s Hole: St Lucia. It was like this one wanted to have his photo taken. Because I was shooting with a fixed 24mm prime, I had to get pretty close. He didn’t seem to mind. © Kevin Drew Davis

Tuffy Canyon: San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize. Grouper at a cleaning station on a brain coral. The cleaning was obviously a priority because it let me get pretty close. © Kevin Drew Davis

Fang Ming Shipwreck.: La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico. One of those very lucky moments where the natural light created a beautiful and moody, some would say spooky, moment. © Kevin Drew Davis

Kevin Drew Davis lives in Chicago, Illinois. He’s spent his adult life as an advertising creative working on big brands like Nike, Calvin Klein, McDonalds, Microsoft, Netflix and many others. Besides having been on hundreds of photo and film shoots for work, he’s been a semi-professional photographer for as long as he remembers. Now he uses his photography skills to share the beauty of diving with the larger world. Follow his family on their next dive adventure via Instagram @deepdownafamily.
Additional Reading
Exposing the Hidden Beauty of the Everglades
The Aquarium of the World: Diving Mexico's California Baja Sur
Stingray City Underwater Camera Settings and Technique