All images © 2024 Luis Fernandez
Luis Fernandez lives in Massachusetts, U.S. Originally certified in the mid '90s, he took a surface interval before getting back into diving in 2019. He began taking underwater photos in 2021 with an Olympus TG-6. In 2023 he upgraded to a DSLR Canon EOS 6D Mark II inside an Ikelite Underwater Housing with Ikelite DS160 II Strobes. He enjoys teaching and introducing students to New England diving, especially animals like nudibranchs, shorthorn sculpin, sea ravens, skates and flounders.

Pygmy Seahorse holding and hiding as they do in a large fan coral. Puerto Galera, Philippines.

Flamboyant Cuttlefish showing some beautiful warning colors. Puerto Galera, Philippines.

Spotted Hake hiding in the sand towards the end of a night dive. Rockport, Massachusetts.

Ornate Ghost Pipefish hanging with the soft coral. Anilao, Philippines.

Common Periwinkle attempting to hold on while being rolled by the surge. Rockport, Massachusetts.

Green Razonfish hiding in coral at the end of the dive in the shallows. Bonaire.

Blue Tunicate in between soft coral. Puerto Galera, Philippines.

Hypselodoris Nudibranch moving around looking for food. Puerto Galera, Philippines.

Flabellina Verrucosa enjoying his tubularian hydroid meal. Eastport, Maine.

Robust Ghost Pipefish hanging near the sand. Anilao, Philippines

Emperor Shrimp has a symbiotic relation with the sea cucumber he is climbing on. Anilao, Philippines.

Luis Fernandez hails from Massachusetts in the northeastern United States. Luis dives year-round with his camera and loves taking pictures locally and on trips. He also enjoys teaching and introducing his students to the beauty of diving in the northeast. You can see some of his photos on his Facebook page or on his Instagram @lff596.
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