Manny Isbell is a retired Army veteran who's turned his focus underwater. From a GoPro to his Sony A7R II in an Ikelite Underwater Housing upgrade, Manny found a passion in freediving and underwater photography. From sharks to turtles to rays, Manny isn't short of underwater photo subjects in his home state of Hawaii.

Sleeping Honu: Turtle cleaning station. © Manny Isbell

Graceful ray hugging the sandy bottom. © Manny Isbell

Puggy and Friend: Puggy the female Eagle Ray in the foreground is missing her snout. She is a survivor as Eagle Rays use their noises to sense food in the sand. © Manny Isbell

Under My Wing: Mom and calf leave their pod to come take a closer look. © Manny Isbell

© Manny Isbell

© Manny Isbell

Perfect Shell: The Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles are probably the most photogenic and I only take their photos when they come to me or, like this one, pass under. © Manny Isbell

© Manny Isbell

Manny Isbell is a retired 20-year Army Veteran. After his retirement he needed a hobby and therein found a passion for freediving. While he initially began diving with a GoPro he eventually upgraded to the Sony A7R II in an Ikelite Underwater Housing. He lives, dives, and photographs in Hawaii. Follow many more of Manny's adventures via his Instagram @manny_isbell.
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Additional Reading
5 Tips for a Successful Freediving Photoshoot
Shark's Cove: Cave Diving Oahu, Hawaii
Turtle Photography Underwater Camera Settings
Dolphins and Rays in the Red Sea with the Panasonic GH5 and Trim Weight System
What I Wish I Knew When I Started in Underwater Photography [VIDEO]