Jacques de Vos with Ikelite Underwater Housing in Norway

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Behind the Shot: Until the Ice Melts in the White Sea

Behind the Shot: Until the Ice Melts in the White Sea

Find out what it took for Ambassador Viktor Lyagushkin to capture this image that ultimately ended up display under the ice in the White Sea.

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Jenna Martin's TEDx on Becoming an Underwater Portrait Photographer [VIDEO]

Jenna Martin's TEDx on Becoming an Underwater Portrait Photographer [VIDEO]

Hear how Ambassador Jenna Martin did what some of us only dream about... she became a successful underwater photographer. 

The Power of Total Immersion | Erena Shimoda Talk at Google [VIDEO]

The Power of Total Immersion | Erena Shimoda Talk at Google [VIDEO]

Ikelite Ambassador Erena Shimoda discusses her work helping the survivors of cancer and domestic abuse.

Remembering Ike

Remembering Ike

Stephen Frink's touching tribute to Ikelite's founder and namesake, Ike Brigham. Ike set the standard for affordable innovation in underwater photography.



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