Featuring Jean Rydberg
The Canon R5 has been one of our favorite cameras to shoot underwater over the past four years as it’s an all-around top performer and super ergonomic to use underwater. So we're all excited that the R5 Mark II is finally available.
Of course our first question before we looked at any of the specs was, Does this work in the housing for the Canon R5 (Mark I)...? Let’s talk through that.
• Shop the Update Kit 200DL Underwater Housing 71764 for Canon EOS R5 II # 9295.14
Physical Changes
When you take it out of the box the R5 II looks really similar to the Mark I. The obvious changes are the addition of a still/video switch and moving the power switch to the right side of the camera around the upper quick control dial.
There are some more subtle differences that actually make a pretty big impact. The first is the viewfinder - Canon redesigned the viewfinder to implement Eye-Control Autofocus. This makes the surround of the viewfinder a bit larger.
The overall thickness of the camera has also increased which affects the position of the rear buttons in relation to the lens mount.

In addition to these noted physical changes, you should also check out Logan's video on all the improvements Canon has packed into this new camera.
Choosing an Underwater Housing
What does this mean for your underwater housing?
Sadly there is no one-size-fits all for the R5 Mark I and Mark II cameras. The difference in thickness makes it impossible to have push buttons short enough to hit the back of the R5 Mark II but long enough to hit the back of the R5 Mark I. And of course the R5 Mark II has that extra power switch control.
If you’re new to the R5 series and in the market for an underwater housing, you’ll have to choose between a housing for the R5 Mark I or a housing for the R5 Mark II. Both of those housings are available now.
If you don’t need the upgrades in the Mark II, you can actually get a fantastic deal on that R5 Mark I camera body which is currently listed for $1300 less than the US market retail price of the new Mark II.
Converting a Canon R5 Housing for the R5 II
If you already have a housing for the Canon R5 and want to use the new camera, you’re in luck. You will need two things: a new housing back, and a new camera mount. We now offer a kit that has both of those items packaged together: Update Kit 200DL Underwater Housing 71764 for Canon EOS R5 II # 9295.14

This compatibility update requires a new housing back and new camera mount. This is a non-destructive change so you can easily travel with both camera bodies, just make sure to use the correct back and mount when you switch between cameras.
The only limitation is that you will not have access to the power switch on the new R5 Mark II camera while it’s in the housing. We don’t find this to be a problem if you’re using the cameras power save feature which allows it to go to sleep when not in use. Just half-press the shutter to wake it back up. It works very well and we’ve been able to get through a day of diving this way with no problems. If you have the USB-C Charging & Data Transfer Bulkhead installed, you can even charge it back up in between dives very easily.
It’s important to note that we’re not offering an update to older R5 Mark I housing fronts to add the power switch. We had to move several controls around on the front to accommodate this new feature, so unfortunately it’s not as simple as just popping an extra control in.
TTL & Strobe Compatibility
If you’re already shooting TTL, you’ll be happy to know that the R5 Mark II exposes your strobe-lit images perfectly when combined with our DL5 DS Link TTL Converter and your choice of Ikelite DS Strobes.
So that’s what you need to know about using the R5 Mark II in an Ikelite housing, if you have any questions please shoot us an email via ikelite@ikelite.com. Happy shooting!
Additional Viewing
Canon R5 II Initial Impressions for Underwater Photographers [VIDEO]
Canon R5 II Re-Assigning MODE Function for Use in 200DL Underwater Housing [VIDEO]
Shark Photography with the Canon R5 and DS230 Strobes
Canon R5 Underwater A-Z // Best Canon RF Lenses for Underwater [VIDEO]
Canon EOS R5 Underwater Photos and Review
Jean Rydberg is the President & CEO of Ikelite. She has lived her whole life in landlocked Indianapolis, Indiana, but is no stranger to the water as a daughter of Ikelite’s founder Ike Brigham. She has traveled around the world shooting and testing gear and enjoys new challenges in both photography and diving. Jean loves to learn about the creative ways photographers achieve their visions. More than anything she wants to show aspiring underwater photographers that excellence is attainable with any system. When she's not working she's spending time with her husband and two daughters.